Bring All Your Sites Under One CMMS Technology Roof

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There are advantages for all your sites to use the same platform for common activities such as maintenance, and more organizations are moving to a single CMMS. Let’s explore why organizations are harmonizing their CMMS across all locations. 

It is well known that a CMMS provides significant advantages for any site that is heavily reliant on equipment, with the primary value-add coming from increased efficiency and time saved. In Life Sciences there is the additional benefit of assured compliance by having robust control of your business processes for asset management. The primary asset management tool in the production environment used to facilitate your planning, scheduling, information, and work management activities is the CMMS. 


Manual Processes vs. CMMS: The Hidden Costs 

If your site operates with a manual, paper-based maintenance process, you’re likely draining money, resources, and efficiency without realizing it. For instance, a technician recording information on paper and then scanning and embedding the document into the CMMS can take 10-20 minutes per work order. Capturing information electronically during execution can reduce this time by 50%, eliminate errors from double-handling, and reduce environmental impact. This efficiency could free up an extra 45 minutes per technician per day for more value-added work. Vendor paper-based documents may still be a part of your process and could be embedded into the CMMS, saving administrative time.


The Case for Harmonization Across Multiple Sites 

If your organization operates multiple sites using different CMMS platforms or a mix of paper-based and electronic systems, harmonizing them under a single CMMS platform offers numerous benefits.  

Benefits of a Single CMMS Platform: 

  1. Best Practices Implementation: Standardizing asset management activities across your organization ensures all teams follow the best practices.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Uniform application of validated tools and approaches ensures compliance at all sites.
  3. Consistent Metrics: Implement common maintenance and reliability metrics for consistent performance evaluation.
  4. Resource Allocation: Easily compare site performance, identify areas needing improvement, and allocate resources effectively.
  5. Budgeting and Cost Management: Simplify budgeting and cost management with unified tracking of maintenance and reliability expenditure.
  6. Cross-Site Visibility: Share information across sites, such as high-cost spare parts, reducing redundancy and costs.

Introducing the Blue Mountain Data Migrator for R4 

Blue Mountain recently launched its new Data Migrator tool for R4, which allows rapid deployment of sites to the cloud with minimal system downtime. Data can be prepared, checked, and pre-approved in a spreadsheet and imported in bulk by the user into the R4 system, literally at the click of a button, where it will be available for use immediately. The tool can also be used for bulk editing of records with different values in multiple fields, saving a vast amount of data entry time.  

Migrating to a single cloud-based CMMS platform offers several benefits: 

  • No On-Site Hardware/Software Management: Reduces the demand on IT resources. 
  • Enhanced Security: Azure cloud provides greater system and data security. 
  • Seamless Updates: Enjoy automatic updates with enhancements, bug fixes, and virus protection. 
  • Efficient Data Management: Rapid data upload and editing with the R4 Data Migrator tool.

Preparing for Expansion 

As your organization grows, the complexity and risks of a paper-based system or an outdated CMMS platform increase. Upgrading to a unified asset management system now prepares you for future expansion. 

Net Positive Value for Your Organization: 

  • Saved time 
  • Operational efficiency 
  • Assured compliance 
  • Reduced running costs 
  • Simplified data manipulation 
  • Consistent practices across sites 
  • Simplified, consistent reporting

Ready to Harmonize Your CMMS? 

Want to know more? Contact our team at Blue Mountain to see how we can help you improve your asset management environment by bringing all your sites together on the powerful new RAM R4 platform. 



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