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Visualize data using a unified, scalable platform that is easy to use and helps you gain deeper insights


The user-friendly interface allows for easy analysis and interpretation of data


Gain a holistic view of your data through interactive charts, dashboards, and metrics


Instantly shift from an overview of data to a more detailed view within the same metric


Make Data-driven Decisions with Confidence

GMP Insights is a highly interactive data visualization tool that uses Microsoft’s Power BI embedded analytics to provide actionable data to drive strategic business decisions. 

  • Embedded directly into Blue Mountain RAM and is accessible through your RAM licensing 
  • Analyze data across multiple sites or drill down into a single site  
  • Unprecedented levels of interactivity, filtering, and flexibility
  • Fast data through dashboards that are updated daily 

Built on Microsoft Power BI

GMP Insights leverages Microsoft’s Power BI embedded analytics to deliver the ultimate data-driven experience. Microsoft's Power BI platform is fast, easy to use, and highly interactive making them the industry leader in data visualization software.


Download Information about GMP Insights

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CleanShot 2022-10-12 at 17.22.10


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